Digital Marketing for Builders – Run by Builders
In the past it was simple. Before the internet there was the Yellow Pages and if you wanted to be in business and if you wanted a big ad, you paid for it.
Now if you want to be in business you need to be online and doing it well. This includes a mixture of social media, google adwords, search enginer optimisation (SEO), video and more.
Your customers spend a large portion of their time searching online, and it is vital that you have a strategy that engages, drives leads and highlights your business the best way possible.
At Designer Planning, we use our unique skills as builders and mix his with modern digital methods to drive relevant enquiries to your construction business.
We can even help you close the sale, as we use our industry knowledge and expertise to convert leads into projects.
Some of the digital techniques we incorporate include Google AdWords, SEO & Content as well as high level Social Targeting.

Google AdWords
Facebook Adverts

Designer Planning is a construction business with unique skills in digital marketing. This gives us a unique insight into construction marketing which enables us to target customers through online marketing in ways that people without industry experience wouldn’t be capable in doing.
We’ll identify niche areas for marketing your products and services, so that you appear on top of search engine results like Google and even Bing.
We can even help you advertise to key demographics on Facebook and engage with your key clients online.
All the while we’ll manage your leads and try to attract and maintain suitable customers to your business.
Online advertising falls under two distinct categories
- Paying providers like Google and Facebook for ads and
- Arranging your website so that it ranks highly with search engines like Google and Yahoo for the customers you want.
Designer Planning can assist you with both categories and we’ll adjust the balance to suit you.
Other service providers can provide you similar of course, but where we differ is in our knowledge of your industry. Our clients are in similar industries and we’ll make changes and suggestions to websites based on our experiences with our other customers.
Where our service is completely unique is that we manage leads across websites, so that if one of our customers, can’t service a lead, we facilitate the management of this lead so that another customer can take up the opportunity.
Therefore, this way the best leads are being managed by the most suitable businesses. This service we call Lead Pooling.